Αποκαλύψεις φωτιά για Νταϊάνα: «Tη δολοφόνησαν» – Άγνωστες λεπτομέρειες για τη μοιραία νύχτα [ΦΩΤΟ+ΒΙΝΤΕΟ]


Είκοσι χρόνια μετά τον θάνατο της πριγκίπισσας Νταϊάνα και πολλοί αποδίδουν το μοιραίο τροχαίο σε καλοστημένο σχέδιο δολοφονίας. Ο κορυφαίος σωματοφύλακας Alan McGregor, που εργαζόταν για τις μυστικές υπηρεσίες της Σαουδικής Αραβίας, υποπτεύεται πως η Νταϊάνα «χτυπήθηκε» μετά από παραβίαση της ασφάλειας. Αποκάλυψε ότι λίγη ώρα πριν το τροχαίο ένας μυστηριώδης υπάλληλος του ξενοδοχείου οδήγησε το μοιραίο αυτοκίνητο.


Το όχημα βρισκόταν στην πίσω είσοδο του ξενοδοχείου Ritz χωρίς επιτήρηση. Μια περιοχή που δεν ήταν ασφαλής ούτε την επιτηρούσαν κατάλληλοι πράκτορες. Ο 68χρονος πράκτορας υποστηρίζει ότι αντιμετώπιζαν την Νταϊάνα σαν να ήταν μια οποιαδήποτε γυναίκα. «Δεν υπήρχε περίπτωση» να επιτρεπόταν στον Henri Paul, έναν μη εξειδικευμένο οδηγό, να τη μεταφέρει.

Η πριγκίπισσα Νταϊάνα έμενε στο ξενοδοχείο Ritz, στο Παρίσι, τη νύχτα του μοιραίου τροχαίου. «Τη νύχτα που πέθανε, με ξύπνησε η γυναίκα μου να μου πει τα νέα. Η πρώτη μου απάντηση ήταν ότι δεν με εκπλήσσει», δήλωσε στη Sun ο Alan McGregor.

«Είχα δει τόσο σοβαρές παραβιάσεις στην ασφάλειά της στο ξενοδοχείο και συνέβαιναν παράξενα πράγματα. Θα συνέβαινε αργά ή γρήγορα. Η ασφάλεια εκείνη τη νύχτα ήταν γελοία».

Ο Alan McGregor ήταν επιφορτισμένος με την προστασία μελών της βασιλικής οικογένειας στο ξενοδοχείο τους μήνες πριν από το μοιραίο τροχαίο. Πιστεύει ότι θα μπορούσε να προγραμματίζεται σχέδιο δολοφονίας της ακόμα και 6 μήνες πριν το μοιραίο τροχαίο. Το Ritz είχε δικό του προσωπικό και λιμουζίνες, καθώς και εξουσιοδοτημένους οδηγούς.

epa01137442 This image made available late 2nd October 2007 by H.M. Coroner's office was one of a series of previously unpublished pictures shown to jurors on the first day of the Princess Diana inquest held at the High Court in London yesterday. This picture shows the scene shortly after the crash of the Mercedes carrying Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed on the night of 31 August 1997. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS)  EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT  NO SALES NO ARCHIVES - PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION.  EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT  NO SALES NO ARCHIVES - PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION.




Θάνατος Νταϊάνα: Καμία σύμπτωση

Το γεγονός ότι ο Henri Paul ήταν πίσω από το τιμόνι για τον Alan McGregor είναι κάτι περισσότερο από τραγική σύμπτωση. Η αρχική δικαστική έρευνα είχε καταλήξει στο συμπέρασμα πως το δυστύχημα προκλήθηκε από την απώλεια ελέγχου του αυτοκινήτου λόγω του ότι ήταν μεθυσμένος ο Henri Paul.

O Alan McGregor όμως υποστηρίζει ότι ο Henri Paul δεν έπινε. Υποστηρίζει πως όσα έγιναν εκείνη τη νύχτα δεν κολλάνε. Τον Φεβρουάριο του 1998 ο Mohamed Al-Fayed, ιδιοκτήτης του Ritz στο Παρίσι, υποστήριξε δημόσια ότι είχε οργανωθεί το τροχαίο. Κατηγορούσε την MI6 και τον δούκα του Εδιμβούργου.

epa01307436 (FILE) This photo made available 02 October 2007 by Britain's H.M. Coroner office showing Princess Diana (behind L) turning to look out of the back window of the Mercedes she was travelling in with Dodi al Fayed in the early hours of 31 August 1997 moments before crashing. It was one of a number of pictures studied by jurors in the Princess Diana inquest at the High Courts in London 2nd October. In the never before published shot are also Dodi's bodyguard Travor Rees (L) and driver Henri Paul (R).   Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed were unlawfully killed due to the gross negligence of driver Henri Paul and the photographers who followed their car in Paris on August 31, 1997, the jury at the inquest into their deaths ruled 07 April 2008. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS)  EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UK & IRELAND OUT,  NO SALES NO ARCHIVES - PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION. EDITORIAL USE ONLY
epa01307436 (FILE) This photo made available 02 October 2007 by Britain’s H.M. Coroner office showing Princess Diana (behind L) turning to look out of the back window of the Mercedes she was travelling in with Dodi al Fayed in the early hours of 31 August 1997 moments before crashing. It was one of a number of pictures studied by jurors in the Princess Diana inquest at the High Courts in London 2nd October. In the never before published shot are also Dodi’s bodyguard Travor Rees (L) and driver Henri Paul (R). Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed were unlawfully killed due to the gross negligence of driver Henri Paul and the photographers who followed their car in Paris on August 31,
1997, the jury at the inquest into their deaths ruled 07 April 2008.
epa01137424 This photo made available late 2nd October 2007 by Britain's H.M. Coroner office showing Princess Diana turning to look out of the back window of the Mercedes she was travelling in with Dodi al Fayed in the early hours of 31 August 1997 moments before crashing. It was one of a number of pictures studied by jurors in the Princess Diana inquest at the High Courts in London 2nd October. In the never before published shot are also Dodi's bodyguard Travor Rees and driver Henri Paul. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS)  EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UK AND IRELAND OUT NO MAGS NO SALES NO ARCHIVE - PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION EDITORIAL USE ONLY
epa01137424 This photo made available late 2nd October 2007 by Britain’s H.M. Coroner office showing Princess Diana turning to look out of the back window of the Mercedes she was travelling in with Dodi al Fayed in the early hours of 31 August 1997 moments before crashing. It was one of a number of pictures studied by jurors in the Princess Diana inquest at the High Courts in London 2nd October. In the never before published shot are also Dodi’s bodyguard Travor Rees and driver Henri Paul. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS) EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UK AND IRELAND OUT NO MAGS NO SALES NO ARCHIVE – PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION EDITORIAL USE ONLY
epa01137434 This image made available late 2nd October 2007 by H.M. Coroner's office was one of a series of previously unpublished pictures shown to jurors on the first day of the Princess Diana inquest held at the High Court in London yesterday. In this picture photographer Serge Arnal is marked as first on the scene moments after the crash of the Mercedes carrying Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed on the night of 31 August 1997. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS)  EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT  NO SALES NO ARCHIVES - PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION.
epa01137434 This image made available late 2nd October 2007 by H.M. Coroner’s office was one of a series of previously unpublished pictures shown to jurors on the first day of the Princess Diana inquest held at the High Court in London yesterday. In this picture photographer Serge Arnal is marked as first on the scene moments after the crash of the Mercedes carrying Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed on the night of 31 August 1997. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS) EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVES – PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION.
epa01137438 This image made available late 2nd October 2007 by H.M. Coroner's office was one of a series of previously unpublished pictures shown to jurors on the first day of the Princess Diana inquest held at the High Court in London yesterday. In this picture rescuers and paparazzi photographers, some with names marked, gaze at the wreckage scene after the crash of the Mercedes carrying Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed on the night of 31 August 1997. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS)  EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT  NO SALES NO ARCHIVES - PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION.  EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT  NO SALES NO ARCHIVES - PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION.
epa01137438 This image made available late 2nd October 2007 by H.M. Coroner’s office was one of a series of previously unpublished pictures shown to jurors on the first day of the Princess Diana inquest held at the High Court in London yesterday. In this picture rescuers and paparazzi photographers, some with names marked, gaze at the wreckage scene after the crash of the Mercedes carrying Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed on the night of 31 August 1997. (PLEASE NOTE RESTRICTIONS) EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVES – PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION. EPA/CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVES – PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE STORED OR USED MORE THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF TRANSMISSION.

Δέκα χρόνια μετά ανακοίνωσε ότι θα τερματίσει τη δεκαετή εκστρατεία του να αποδείξει ότι πρόκειται για δολοφονία. Δήλωσε ότι το έκανε για χάρη των παιδιών της αδικοχαμένης πριγκίπισσας.

Πηγή: Mirror