Άστεγη γυναίκα είχε καταθέσεις που άγγιζαν το 1 εκ. λίρες αλλά πέθανε στον δρόμο (ΦΩΤΟ)


Ο θάνατος μίας άστεγης κι ανήμπορης γυναίκας, έφερε στο φως μια αμύθητη περιουσία που παρέμενε ανεκμετάλλευτη για δεκαετίες.

Τεράστια ήταν η έκπληξη των αστυνομικών που εντόπισαν το άψυχο σώμα μιας άστεγης γυναίκας σε δρόμο της πρωτεύουσας Βηρυτού.

Πλάι στο σώμα της ανάπηρης γυναίκας υπήρχαν τουλάχιστον 5 μαύρες σακούλες σκουπιδιών, μέσα στις οποίες υπήρχαν δεκάδες χιλιάδες χαρτονομίσματα.

Η καταμέτρηση σταμάτησε στις 5 εκατομμύρια λίρες Λιβάνου (περίπου 2.500 λίρες Αγγλίας) προξενώντας τεράστια εντύπωση στις αρχές αλλά και σε όσους ήξεραν την 52χρονη Φατίμα, η οποία ζούσε εδώ και δεκαετίες στους δρόμους της πρωτεύουσας του Λιβάνου.

Pic shows: Police called at the scene found the beggar carrying bags holding 5 million Lebanese pounds (2,457 GBP) in cash. People who donated to a disabled beggar in the Lebanese capital Beirut were shocked to discover she had almost a million pounds in the bank. Police said they were surprised when they turned up investigate the death of Fatima Othman to find that she had two bags containing 5 million LBP (2,457 GBP) in cash. But they were even more surprised when they found a deposit book for a local bank, and when they looked inside realised it contained a further 1.7 billion LBP (835,000 GBP) in savings. Police spokesman Joseph Musallem said there was nothing suspicious about the death and the 52-year-old simply died of a heart attack. But he said that the discovery of the cash and the savings book "was a big surprise". Locals who knew the woman, many of whom donated her money and food, said they were also surprised about the amount of cash that she had. She became a minor celebrity after a snap of a kindhearted Lebanese soldier providing her with a drink and food because she was unable to use her hands or feet was posted online. The soldier even won praise from his commander for his "compassion and humanity." After her death, police to track down her family in the town of Ain Al-Zahab in Akkar in northern Lebanon and they collected her body which has now been buried. Her family had not realised she was rich either and it is believed she was too scared to admit that she had any money in case she was robbed, and so had carried on begging because it was what she knew. Local said that Othman had lost her hands and feet during the Lebanese Civil War.

Μάλιστα, η κατοχή τέτοιου χρηματικού ποσού ώθησε τις λιβανικές αρχές να διερευνήσουν πιο διεξοδικά την υπόθεση, όμως η συνέχεια ήταν ακόμη πιο αποκαλυπτική.

Ψάχνοντας τους λογαριασμούς της Φατίμα σε τοπικές τράπεζες ανακάλυψαν με τεράστια έκπληξη, πως η άστεγη γυναίκα διατηρούσε καταθέσεις ύψους 1 δις λιρών Λιβάνου, που αντιστοιχούν στο διόλου ευκαφρόνητο ποσό 835.000 λιρών Αγγλίας.

Pic shows: Bank statement shows three saving accounts under her name. People who donated to a disabled beggar in the Lebanese capital Beirut were shocked to discover she had almost a million pounds in the bank. Police said they were surprised when they turned up investigate the death of Fatima Othman to find that she had two bags containing 5 million LBP (2,457 GBP) in cash. But they were even more surprised when they found a deposit book for a local bank, and when they looked inside realised it contained a further 1.7 billion LBP (835,000 GBP) in savings. Police spokesman Joseph Musallem said there was nothing suspicious about the death and the 52-year-old simply died of a heart attack. But he said that the discovery of the cash and the savings book "was a big surprise". Locals who knew the woman, many of whom donated her money and food, said they were also surprised about the amount of cash that she had. She became a minor celebrity after a snap of a kindhearted Lebanese soldier providing her with a drink and food because she was unable to use her hands or feet was posted online. The soldier even won praise from his commander for his "compassion and humanity." After her death, police to track down her family in the town of Ain Al-Zahab in Akkar in northern Lebanon and they collected her body which has now been buried. Her family had not realised she was rich either and it is believed she was too scared to admit that she had any money in case she was robbed, and so had carried on begging because it was what she knew. Local said that Othman had lost her hands and feet during the Lebanese Civil War.

Αμέσως, οι αστυνομικοί επικοινώνησαν με μακρινούς συγγενείς της γυναίκας ώστε να τους ενημερώσουν και για τον θάνατό της αλλά και για τα συγκλονιστικά ευρήματά τους, ενώ δεν θεωρούν ύποπτες τις συνθήκες θανάτου της, καθώς το πόρισμα του ιατροδικαστή έδειξε την ανακοπή καρδιάς ως αιτία θανάτου.

Πάντως, άγνωστο παραμένει αν η ίδια η 52χρονη είχε γνώση των καταθέσεών της στην τράπεζα, καθώς όσοι την ήξεραν και την βοηθούσαν περιστασιακά με χρήματα και τρόφιμα, δεν είχαν κανένα σημάδι σχετικά με την «προίκα» που είχε συγκεντρώσει.

Η Φατίμα είχε καταστεί ανήμπορη από το 1975 όταν έχασε τα πόδια και τα χέρια της κατά τη διάρκεια του Λιβανέζικου εμφυλίου πολέμου, ο οποίος σάρωσε την μεσογειακή χώρα της Μέσης Ανατολής από το 1975 ως το 1990, κοστίζοντας τη ζωή σε 120.000 ανθρώπους.